
From Salta to Bariloche

Veröffentlicht: 10.10.2019

I traveled from Humahuaca to Salta by bus and have to say these busses are super comfy.

Totally got some VIP feeling here with the panaroma window.

Seats aren't bad either.
I rented an Airbnb in Salta because I wanted some luxury and beeing totally independent. Since I really missed some proper breakfast with bread, cheese and meat I decided to buy what I crave for - look what cheese the supermarket has! 
(Yes queso is cheese)
I found some mozzarella and "cream cheese" both was sadly very disappointing but the meat was (as always here) really good.
You guys have no idea how much I liked this simple breakfast after 2 months not having real breakfast!
So Salta. Usually I gather my info by reading some blogs from other travelers and listen to what the locals recommend and that works out really well. The name "Salta" fell super often so I just rented this Airbnb and went, like always.
Well turns out, the state has the same name then the capital and the people were referring to the area and not the capital. I wasn't mad about it, some relaxed days were totally fine. I went out at night and had fun anyway.

There was some hiking to do tho.
With a very rewarding sight at the end

But I left too late and it was pretty dark while I went down the mountain..
Lesson learned tho, I'll be back before 8 the next time!

Going by bus from Salta to Bariloche, my next stop, takes 40 hours. A plane takes 4 hours and is actually cheaper so I took the plane. Right now I'm sitting in Buenos Aires at the airport since I had to take two planes. The airline (flybondi) changed mid-flight the arrival airport within Buenos Aires (the city has two) and I had to go in the middle of the night from one airport to another, on my own expenses. I had more then enough time, so I'm sitting safely in the airport, waiting for the boarding to begin. 
Bariloche is supposed to be super awesome, get ready for some astonishing pictures!

Reiseberichte Argentinien