


From Hamburg to Canada

Sexsmith 26.01. - 20.02.

Sexsmith 26.01. - 20.02.

...northern lights for the first time...

Edmonton 13.01. - 26.01.

It was a wonderful first evening in Edmonton with sooooo nice people

Winnipeg - St. Pierre-Jolys 06.01. - 12.01.

It was like coming to a second home

Snow is in the air 29.12.2016

And of course there is also the aspect of how they treat their farmers here, so they get a fair pric...

Montreal is calling 28.12.2016

In the end of our endless journey through Ontario and Quebec we arrived early in the evening in Mont...

Albion Falls 27.12.2016

Note from Jannik: The water was so cold, it killed any Feelings in my feet immediately, so surprisin...

Hamilton...again 26.12.2016

We heard somewhere that it's probably one of the least appeling cities in Canada *** yeeeah and we s...

Niagara Falls (at night) 25.12.2017

We enjoyed the beaty of the illuminated Falls untill we were nearly frozen. DEFINITELY WORTH IT

Hamilton Day 2 - Chirstmas Eve, 24.12.2016

Now we are about to enjoy our 5* Deluxe dinner and wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Exploring Toronto #2, 22.12.2016

The bus driver was the most friendliest woman, she greeted everybody entering the bus and wished eve...

Exploring Toronto #1 21.12.2016

...decorating gingerbread cookies with our host which really felt like at home and braught us a litt...

Arriving in Toronto 20.12.2016

I am happy, excited, somehow not nervous...

Saying goodbye and starting a live changing experience

We would like to say that we had a wonderful time with each of you and thank you for everything!